The Kiosk Owners in Bacolod City Complained as the Masskara Festival Approached After a Religious Group Played Praise and Worship Songs”

The people of Bacolod City are known for their joyous celebration during October because it marks the popular Masskara Festival, one of the most anticipated events in the city. Bacolod City serves as the primary hub of Negros Occidental, where you can find major businesses, large establishments, shopping malls, hotels, and renowned universities in the region.
The city prepares itself for the Masskara Festival even before October arrives. It’s a time when the whole city comes alive with colorful decorations, especially in the public plaza. Here, you can find numerous kiosks offering delicious food and drinks to tourists and locals alike.

A tradition in Bacolod City is to set up multiple stages for singers and other performers. This practice helps reduce overcrowding and ensures that everyone can enjoy the festivities. One of these stages is located at a landmark in Bacolod City known as the “Halandumon Tower.”
The Halandumon Tower is situated near the public plaza, where many kiosks cater to visitors looking for a bite to eat or something to drink. However, the owners of these kiosks couldn’t help but complain when a religious group performed and sang praise and worship songs in close proximity to their businesses.

According to the complainants, they are concerned that they may not recover their investments in their businesses due to the reluctance of customers who feel uncomfortable because of the religious songs. The religious group has announced that their performances will continue until October 22, 2023, and the kiosk owners are currently awaiting action from the YUHUM Foundation and the organizers of the Masskara Festival regarding their complaint. Source