‘Green Bananas To Yellow’ Photo Goes Viral

Green Bananas

A certain photo went viral when a netizen changed the color of bananas with the use of the software. He transformed his bananas from green to yellow. In a Facebook post from Sean Torrion, he posted before-and-after photos where he transformed his green bananas into yellow bananas with the use of Adobe Lightroom. “Thank you … Read more

Rainy Marriage Proposal Goes Viral


A certain video goes viral when a man wanted to propose to his girl while it was rainy, yet he slides on the floor and did the proposal after the incident. In a Facebook post from Clyde Aguilar, he wanted to propose to Princess Claire Aguelo while it was rainy. While he was trying to … Read more

Woman’s ‘Vodka Turns Brown’ Video Goes Viral


A certain video went viral when a woman’s vodka hit the ground after she fell out of her chair — and the vodka turned brown. In a Facebook post from Ridiculousness, a video showed that a woman fell out of her chair and her vodka hit the ground. Knowing that the vodka may look like … Read more

Photographer’s ‘Crushed 56mm Lens’ Photo Goes Viral


A certain photo went viral when a photographer’s 56mm lens fell outside and got crushed by a vehicle last Thursday, December 12. In a Facebook post from Albert Say, a photographer, he posted a photo of his 56mm f/1.2 lens that fell outside and got crushed last December 12. Many were saddened when netizens saw … Read more

‘Dinuguan Na Macaroni’ Photo Goes Viral

dinuguan na macaroni

A certain photo went viral when a birthday boy, Rey Mar Sacudit, received dinuguan na macaroni from one of his sponsors for his birthday. In a Facebook post from Rey Mar Sacudit, he posted a photo of dinuguan na macaroni from one of his sponsors for his birthday. He captioned his post as, “Salamat sa … Read more

Rhea Bullos’ Makeshift ‘NIKE’ Shoes Goes Viral


Even though she garnered three gold medals during the Iloilo Schools Sports Council Meet, Rhea Bullos of Balasan went viral because of her makeshift ‘NIKE’ shoes. In a Facebook post from Predirick B. Valenzuela, he posted photos of Rhea Bullos wearing her makeshift ‘NIKE’ shoes. According to him, an elementary student garnered three gold medals: … Read more

Road Accident Turned Into Wedding Proposal Goes Viral

Road Accident Turned

Pre-nuptial photos of Kean and Bey went viral when a road accident turned into a wedding proposal in Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental. In a Facebook post from Red Paper Studios, Kean Nawang made an unusual proposal to Bey Imbong Jalbuena. He made a set-up that he was injured in a road accident and eventually … Read more

NDRRMC Staff And Woman’s “Holding Hands” Photo Goes Viral

woman and staff

A certain photo went viral on social media when an NDRRMC staff and a woman were holding hands with each other inside the mall. In a Facebook post from Pepeng Pinakamalupit, an NDRRMC staff and a woman were spotted inside the mall while holding hands with each other. The said post already has 10,000 shares … Read more