Health & Fitness: 7 Simple Things To Do To Help You Lose Belly Fat

Here are the 7 simple things you can do to help you lose belly fat

These 7 simple things can help you lose belly fat as part of your health and fitness routine.

Feel inspired to get rid of your unwanted fat on the tummy area just by following these simple things.

Lose Belly Fat


Include a 20-minute workout in your schedule every week. Exercising does not only reduce fat but it also increases your fitness levels (that means more energy) and gets you moving, according to Your Daily Plus.

Lose Belly Fat
Photo courtesy of Business Live


Do some stomach exercises such as sit-ups and planks. Start this routine with a set of 15 stomach crunches. Then you can do a 30 second plank, switch your plank to two side planks (either side for 30 seconds) and go back into side twists (like a stomach crunch but you twist your upper body from side to side with your shoulders lifted away from the floor).

Photo courtesy of Huffpost Canada


Stopping yourself from eating carbs such as bread and pasta can give you flat belly in just a short period of time. You can consume good carbs from vegetables, whole fruits, lentils, peas, kidney beans, most nuts and seeds and wholegrain carbs such as pure oats, brown rice and quinoa.

Lose Belly Fat
Photo courtesy of Cathe Friedrich


Some people believe that drinking a lot of water can bloat you out more but this is just a MYTH, according to YDP. Actually, water retention is the main cause of bloating.

When you drink at least 2 liters a day of water, it will reduce water retention and will get rid of toxins and impurities. Aside from this, drinking water will make you feel brighter and more energized. For trimming the fat, water is the best companion.

Photo courtesy of QSun


A regular coke contains 139 calories and you can have additional calories sweetened tea, sweetened coffee and adding full-fat milk. Some people have misconception about liquid intake. Instead of drinking high-calorie drinks, replace them with water.

Lose Belly Fat
Photo courtesy of Joint Health Magazine


Breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day. Skipping your meal every morning can increase your weight rather than reduce it.

According to YDP, it is better to eat small portions more regularly, so split up your food intake into five different times during the day. This can also stop you snacking and help to stay fuller for a longer time. However, be sure to have healthy breakfast choices.

Photo courtesy of Tesco Real Food


Be strict about the time you take your last meal of the day. Eating too late means your body doesn’t have enough time to fully digest your meal before bed. The later time you eat, the more possibility that the food will turn into fat.

Lose Belly Fat
Photo courtesy of MyFitnessPal Blog

Try these tips to get rid of your belly fat.

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