Here are the vitamin myths that you should stop believing
VITAMIN MYTHS – Some people have certain beliefs about taking vitamins but everyone should stop these myths right now.
Taking vitamins every day, in the perception of many people, is a healthy routine. However, according to The Healthy, those vitamins that your body does not actually need is not just a waste of money, it can also put your health at risk.

Here are the myths about taking vitamins that you should stop believing:
Multivitamins are beneficial to anyone
Taking multivitamins is not actually a good substitute for vitamin-enriched food. “Multivitamins have maybe two dozen ingredients—but plants have hundreds of other useful compounds,” Marian Neuhouser, PhD, of the cancer prevention program at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA said. With this, you are just missing out lots of compounds that may provide benefits.
Multivitamins can make up a bad diet
If you are eating an unhealthy meal, multivitamins cannot reverse its effect on your body. According to Dr. Neuhouser, the author of the study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, multivitamins cannot help a poor diet. Those who are taking multivitamins are not healthier than those who are not taking.
Vitamin C fights cold
In a study conducted in 2013, researchers found out that Vitamin C failed to reduce the incident of colds. It may just help you recover a little faster but it will not help if symptoms of colds already occurred.
Vitamin pills can prevent heart disease
Several vitamin pill products claim that they can reduce the risk of heart diseases. However, according to an analysis of vitamin E trials, it didn’t cut the risk of stroke or of death from heart disease. In addition, based on the article, eight beta-carotene studies resulted in the conclusion that instead of reducing the risk, supplements even slightly increase in the risk of death.
Vitamin pills can protect against cancer
Perception arises that anti-oxidants can protect people against cancer of the belief that these stabilize free radicals which damage the cell’s DNA. Journal of the National Cancer Institute published a study on 5,442 women who took either a placebo or a B-vitamin combo. Researchers concluded that in the period of seven years, all the women experienced similar rates of cancers and cancer deaths.
Vitamins can’t hurt
Researchers studied beta-carotene pills on a perception that it can help prevent lung cancer. However, they detected surprising increases in lung cancer and deaths among male smokers who took the supplement, according to the article.
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